Thursday, January 22, 2015

During the review of periodontal disorders.

During periodontal disease, periodontal gum, gum disease, etc. can take the bones and soft tissues that support the teeth damage is a disease that affects the support structures of the teeth in the mouth disease group. The most common of these diseases, as well as plaque, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Persistent bad breath and gum recession in food with symptoms of gum disease and bleeding red large, loose teeth, pain can be identified.

Because gum disease can be caused by several factors.

Bacteria in the mouth with mucus and other particles to form plaque on the teeth. Regular tooth brushing and flossing, remove the colorless viscous material. But it does not draw any immovable plaque by brushing alone hardens into tartar. Dentist to remove the calculus skills that lead to gum disease include other factors. Smoking important part in the development of gum disease. Such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, gum disease increases the risk of disease conditions. Prescription drugs and more. nonprescription saliva production wholesale mouth, gums more susceptible to infection protective function and a little less. Hormonal changes and genetics also play a role in maintaining health gums up.

Learn more about gingivitis and prevention.

Forming plaques oral bacteria in the gums to become inflamed and red due. The condition is called gingivitis gums. Bleeding gums occurs when untreated. Easily one of gingivitis dental care or dental disease, a good professional cleaning of oral care routine and home treatment that can be solved with a mild form of gum. often suffer any severe gingivitis and dental tissue or bone loss that support not be created. Stress factors contribute to this condition, and so on, diabetes, hormonal changes, pregnancy, genetic elements, some drug use can be added.

Gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease.

When left untreated, gingivitis is inflammation around the tooth which way to periodontitis, can give. In this case, the gums pull away from the teeth under the gum line the pockets of infection called plaque development and widening gap, create and produce toxins that irritate the gums. The body's immune system to destroy these toxins and bone and tissue that support joint action against teeth two reasons. Finally, the teeth become loose and may lead to withdrawal. There are many types of disease as a manifestation of systemic diseases other occurs periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis, periodontal disease and chronic necrotizing periodontal disease.